Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Cosmetic Industry Resources Manufacture Eye Shadow Lab Equipment

  • Manufacture Eye Shadow Lab Equipment

    Posted by doris_vargas on January 26, 2015 at 7:21 pm
    Hi! I’m an undergraduate student of Chemical Engineering from Puerto Rico. I’m doing an internship with a cosmetic company I post some doubts about nail polishes. But I have a second project, investigate if is suitable for our company manufacture eye shadows instead of buy to a supplier the eye shadow. 

    Did someone know how much approximately cost manufacture one compact eye shadow of 2g (.07 oz)?
    They give me green light if I want to try some formulations. 

    Which lab equipment I need for start trying prototype formulations, just I have this on mind:

    Mortar and Pestle
    Metal Containers
    Spatula Lab

    There is some economical lab compaction machine? 
    I already did the research on internet I don’t find anything useful.
    doris_vargas replied 10 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Bobzchemist

    January 27, 2015 at 4:59 pm


    Do you know how pressed eyeshadow is made commercially?
  • Bobzchemist

    January 27, 2015 at 5:00 pm
  • doris_vargas

    January 27, 2015 at 7:06 pm
    Thank you Bob for the link! :)

    I’m doing that research. I found like 3 or 4 manufacture companies of compaction machine but not in lab scale. 

    Also I have doubts about how is made commercially because I read that it is mix, mill, sieve and compacted, but not detailed information. So I have many questions for example:
    What type of mixer is used in the industry of eyeshadow, a V type blender or double cone like the ones used in pharmaceutical industry? 
    Some of the ingredients (preservatives, binder, emollient) is in liquid form? If yes, then the mixer should have nozzles integrated to spray the ingredient or just can be added without sprayed them?
    When is the mill procedure, after or before added preservatives, binders or mica? 
    How is made commercially with all the detailed information of the machinery is very important for my internship, because then I can search prices and do a economic analysis to know how much the company need to invest.
    Once I finish that, if they see the manufacture viable, then I hope start doing some formulations, that is why also ask for lab equipment.
  • Bobzchemist

    January 27, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    Hmmm…how do I put this nicely? 

    The short version is that the vast majority of this information is not available for free. You either have to put in the many, many research hours you’ll need calling and talking to raw material and equipment manufacturers for information, and/or buy and read a few books and magazine articles, and/or take a class on the subject, and/or hire a consultant. 
    I would suggest researching the colored mica manufacturers first, getting trial formulas from them, and then looking at the manufacturing instructions to give you an idea of what you’ll need. There are even some DIY websites that you can look at.
    I will give you a preview of what you’ll eventually find out, however. Usually, it is not cheaper to make your own color cosmetics (as opposed to buying them from a contract manufacturer/private labeller) unless/until you are making a very large quantity of them. The major reason for this is due to how capital-intensive it is to invest in the (very expensive) production machinery.
    I’m sort-of in the middle of trying to prepare to teach a seminar on this subject, but it’s not going at all well, and I won’t be finished any time soon, if ever. But I will be happy to answer specific, limited questions privately. One at a time.
  • doris_vargas

    January 27, 2015 at 8:35 pm

    Okay! Thank You!

    I hope you can do that seminar. I will still looking for information, just I started to work full time two weeks ago, so I have time until May. :)

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