Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating General Lactic vs Citric acid…differences and advantages.

  • Lactic vs Citric acid…differences and advantages.

    Posted by Graillotion on February 10, 2023 at 10:07 pm

    The other day I was reading an old thread, probably not even related to the title, but someone….and it seems like it was @chemicalmatt gave a brief expose on (some) of the benefits/differences/characteristics of lactic vs citric acid in the context of skincare.

    I only use lactic…as price is not a concern….but wondering if anyone could lay out those advantages again. The new forum format….is about impossible for me to research and navigate well…maybe I’m too old. ????


    I often assist on beginner sites…so much of this information will be passed on to posterity. If a good link to a well written article on the topic exists….even better.

    Perry44 replied 2 years ago 2 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Perry44

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    February 11, 2023 at 10:45 pm
    • Graillotion

      February 11, 2023 at 10:57 pm

      No, but still helpful.

      It actually went into how the two acids are different in category. My chemistry vocabulary is so weak, I cannot give the terms.

      Thank You. Hopefully @chemicalmatt will see this on Monday….and reiterate his comments… I am about 97% sure it was he, that extolled on it.

    • Graillotion

      February 11, 2023 at 11:01 pm

      @thejoggler is there a way…..say I wanted to read every golden gem from a single contributor….can I search by a persons name…and see every comment that have made on every post? ????

      • Perry44

        Professional Chemist / Formulator
        February 12, 2023 at 8:27 am

        I’m trying to fix the site but one trick you can do is to use Google.

        Go to Google. In the search bar type chemistscorner.com : <username>

        I think that will show all instances of that person’s posts. But the link might not be quite right. If the link to any of them has the format https://chemistscorner.com/forum/discussion/xxxx Remove the /forum/ part and try it without that. That should call up the right page.

      • Perry44

        Professional Chemist / Formulator
        February 12, 2023 at 1:58 pm

        I believe you can do the following…

        1. Click on any user’s name. That will bring up their profile.

        2. Then click on “forums” which is in the menu just below their name. (The default menu is “profile”)

        3. This brings up a list of all the discussions they started, the comments they made, and the things that they favorited.

        That should be exactly what you are looking for and easier than using Google.

        • Graillotion

          February 13, 2023 at 1:06 am

          It almost worked perfectly. It turns out… @chemicalmatt has 44 pages of comments. ????

          Which is all fun and good, I was enjoying the reads….until I got to the bottom of… PAGE 1, and when I tried to advance to page 2 (as I had not yet found what I was looking for), the new site will not allow, even with multiple attempts…and trying to trick it. Kept saying…I had gotten lost….404

          So, yet to find the gem I am looking for.

          • Perry44

            Professional Chemist / Formulator
            February 13, 2023 at 7:16 am

            Looks like it is a linking issue. I’ll have my IT guy fix it.

            In the mean time, if you want to look at all of his replies you need the link to look like this…


            Just change the #2 to any of the 44 pages you want to view

            • Graillotion

              February 14, 2023 at 12:40 pm

              Is IT working on it now? Yesterday during the day….it was working fine…and I got to page 13….then all of a sudden…I get the 404 error…no matter what page I try to access.

            • Perry44

              Professional Chemist / Formulator
              February 14, 2023 at 1:12 pm

              Yes, it looks like the IT folks are working on it.

              The link to use now is - https://chemistscorner.com/members-directory/chemicalmatt/forums/comments/page/2/

              Change the page number to whatever one you want.

              Hopefully, they’ll have it completely working shortly.

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