Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Skin Hypochlorous Acid

  • Hypochlorous Acid

    Posted by chelsea78 on August 25, 2022 at 6:47 pm


    I am wondering if anyone here has ever formulated a spray/mist for the face with hypochlorous acid? My marketing team has found a couple products with it that they would like me to replicate. In preliminary research, I can only find suppliers that use this as a cleaning disinfectant solution for surfaces, medical procedures and hand sanitizer. Used as a sanitizer and for hard surfaces it is only used at .046%. I imagine for the face the concentration would be much less. If there is anyone out that that can enlighten me on this ingredient as it applies to skincare, I would much appreciate it. As the skincare products containing this are limited with questionable marketing stories.
    I found a machine that it will make Hypochlorous Acid (H20+NaCI with electrolysis) but then we run into the issues of testing it for efficacy, purity, concentration and stability as it’s reported to be highly unstable.
    Any info regarding incorporating this in a facial spray or is this just another trend with misleading marketing claims?


    Pharma replied 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Pharma

    August 25, 2022 at 7:27 pm
    It’s just a strong acid which will drop pH and/or neutralise any alkaline component present. If there’s any kind of organic salt in there whereof the acid part has a higher pKa than HCl, then they will ‘switch partners’: for example mixing HCl and sodium lactate will result in NaCl and lactic acid etc.
    Spraying a plain HCl solution onto your face… better make sure you wear safety goggles or have a very good health insurance and learned brail before the experiment.
    Under ‘normal cosmetic’ conditions, you won’t get hypochlorous acid from HCl. If you were to mix it with hydrogen peroxide (given high enough % for both), you may generate chlorine gas and that one can, with luck, form some hypochlorous acid (which reacts with an excess of hydrochlorous acid to form, anew, chlorine gas… wait long enough and it will disproportionate to form, as an intermediate, hypochlorous acid). Sounds like a bunch of weird and unpredictable chemical reactions, so I break it down for you to simple terms; You’re basically going to smell like a swimmingpool and look like a snowman version of Turia Pitt if you wash your face with that concoction.
    And then there’s that magical miracle elixir… that idiot scum who made it a hype needs to be dissolved in it! Sorry for the harsh words, people usually can’t anything for being born with a dysfunct brain and a compulsion to safe the world. The two are just a very unhappy combination, mostly for those who follow these ‘words of salvation’ either because they have a dysfunct brain too or love to be safed by people with a dangerous compulsion.
    Cosmetics need to be safe: If you want to capitalise on that hype, simply add minute amounts of bleach to your product and claim the s”*ç out of it (abovementioned chemical reactions will ensure that there are a few molecules of those magical ingredients present). Personally, I despise such products because people get seriously hurt by using and even drinking selfmade hypochlorous acid. Cosmetic industry shouln’t encourage this!
  • chelsea78

    August 25, 2022 at 7:54 pm

    I totally agree @Pharma, this should be kept as a cleaning disinfectant solution not for skincare. Now I have the task of communicating this to our marketing team that is infatuated with Tower 28’s SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray with Hypochlorous Acid | Tower 28 Beauty  This company also makes the statement that “what goes on your skin also goes in your bloodstream”…sigh…

    Anyways thank you for your response! It is much of what I suspected!

  • Pharma

    August 26, 2022 at 4:39 am
    That’s ridiculous and wrong in so many things! Thell your boss that they’re lying.
    One doesn’t make stable hypochlorous acid using only salt water and electrolysis, not even after 8 years of research. And where are the ingredients used to pH adjust? What is Sodium Magnesium? Sue them ;) .

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