How to properly cool a batch before putting the top/cap on the samples??? Please Help!!!
Can anyone advise how to properly cool my batch once I formulate my product and pour the hot gel in the jars before I put the tops/caps on? I’ve tried putting the top on each sample
once they have cooled for about 30 mins top less but once the top has been screwed on it creates condensation (a noticeable amount of water in the inside of the top/cap if I unscrew it say a few hours later so much condensation that I would have to wipe the
insides of each cap to get the water out. Then I tried leaving the top off for 1 1/2-2 hrs that was better in terms of no condensation once I put the tops/caps on my samples but then I ran into the dilemma that the samples did not evenly cool. The center of
the samples were not cured until hours after I placed the tops/caps on them and once the center of those samples finally cured it left a noticeable ring in the middle of all of the samples and it looked as if water droplets settled on top of the actual gel
but it was only that some tiny little spots did not cure properly so of the 2 senerios I do like the first one best.. that’s the one I use normally but unsure what to do about the condensation because the product did not fully cool down before I screwd the
tops on but with this senerio my samples evenly cure. Any suggestions that would not change the clarity of my finished product would be greatly appreciated. I’ve formulated a clear ringing gel. Thanks
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