Help! Wrong Inci What Can I Do - Baby Shampoo
Hey Guys,
Hope everyone is well. I recently ordered Suga®Nate 160NC
to create a simple Baby Shampoo based on Colonials Formula 1003. Now i realize
their formula had an error in the inci name and so the correct product
is Suga®Det Mild. I now have a bucket of Suga®Nate 160NC and would like to know if I can use it as a stand alone surfactant like Suga Det Mild or would i need to add other sufactants? Thanks for your help.This is the corrected formula. Can i replace Suga®Det Mild with Suga®Nate 160NC?
1 Water qs to 100.00
2 Suga®Det Mild 34.00
3 Fragrance Blueberry 0.05
4 Potassium Sorbate Microcare ® SB 1 1.00
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