help with formula
Hi gays,
I have a problem with my formula water based pomade.I reviewed all post in this discussions but i need your help. Maybe the problem was in temperature and process.
*Propelyn glycon
*PVP K90
*Tween 20
*Methyl ParabenFase A: Heat besswax, C-20, HCO @85CFase B:Heat water @85C with a mix PVP,Propelyn glycon,Glycerin,PVP K90,Tween 20,Methyl Paraben but PVP and Methyl at that temperature don´t mix, i don´t know why….After that B to A, A around @55C because is cool down. When I put B to A in 1 min or less the pomade crystallizes.Please help me with the process. See the pictures.
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