Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Help…LIQUID AIRFRESHNER SEPERATES WHY??


    Posted by martinkul on June 1, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    Hello People!

    Please save my soul.

    I made a LIQUID AIRFRESHNER of 10litres with the listed ingredients by proportion but after 24hrs the mixture SEPERATED leaving the oil on top of the mixture.
    please what went wrong and what do I do to save this batch or make it creamy without SEPERATING.

    1.5 fragrance
    0.2 carageenan
    0.25 sulphurnic
    8.0 water
    0.05 formalin

    Please I need HELP

    ozgirl replied 10 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • ozgirl

    June 2, 2014 at 1:34 am

    Why are you making 10 litre batches of products that you obviously have no experience with? Where are you getting your starting formulations? A quick google search of “carageenan air freshener formulation” gives a number of formulations from reutable suppliers that would give you a great starting point.

    I am assuming that when you refer to “sulphurnic” you are actually referring to sulphuric acid. I have no idea why you would include that at all in this formulation. You have 15% fragrance in your formula with no solubiliser (surfactant) so it is no wonder that you are getting separation. Most fragrances are not water soluble and in the couple of starting formulations I looked at the fragrance concentrations were at around 2.5%.

    Looking at your other posts it is clear that you are trying to make large batches with no experience and really just wasting your money. My suggestion would be to slow down and learn something about the products you wish to make, look for starting formulations, learn about the function of the raw materials you will need to use, start with small test batches, and then eventually after much trial and error come up with a product that will be suitable for your needs. Even experienced formulators would follow a similar procedure.

  • Chemist77

    June 2, 2014 at 1:41 am

    @ozgirl Apologies but I find a pattern here.

  • ozgirl

    June 2, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    @millachemist I am also seeing the pattern hence my advice to the original poster to slow down and learn something. I won’t be offering any further help.

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