help adding menthol at 10% to a prexisting muscle gel
I have a muscle gel that i need to add 10% menthol to. currently the gel contains 5% and is stable.
ingredients are as followed:AquaIsopropyl AlcoholMentholCarbomerTriethanolamineCamphorEthylhexylglycerinIlex paraguariensisMelaleuca alternifolia Essential Oil( tea tree oil)Tocopheryl acetateOrganic Aloe veraOrganic ArnicaPhenoxyethanolfindings are that when we heat the menthol and add to the gel it will not mix.
do we need to add additional carbomer to thicken the solution, or add something like a polysorbate 20 to help the additional menthol emulsify with the gel?
any help would be much appreciated. want to use this product for personal use but the 5% menthol is not strong enough and like how the 15% feels!
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