Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Hair Fragrance in haircare

  • Fragrance in haircare

    Posted by Anonymous on January 11, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    General question regarding fragrances in hair products. How critical (maybe not a good description) or variable is it to have a base formula and use different fragrances in it? Meaning the fragrance is the only difference. And chemistry wise, how much different is one fragrance from another on how it could relate to stability issues?
    Any thoughts are greatly appreciated

    Anonymous replied 10 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • OldPerry

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    January 12, 2015 at 8:41 am

    I don’t know how critical it is but having a base formula in which you change the fragrance and color to produce new SKUs is pretty much what all big and medium sized companies do.

    If you look at Suave or VO5 they pretty much use the same base formula and just switch out the fragrance, color and claims ingredients.  
    Occasionally you get stability issues but that is one of the main things that formulators who work on these brands spend their time doing…stabilizing versions of a base formula with a new fragrance.
  • Anonymous

    January 12, 2015 at 11:47 pm

    Thanks so much Perry, it was a bit what I figured. Btw, I really enjoyed the formulating class and still listen to all the audios in my university on wheels. Unfortunately, haven’t been able to mix anything yet. You have a great forum, thank you!

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