Posted by Graillotion on March 17, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    Trying to help the beginners….

    Does anyone have a nice link to an accurate description of the differences of these three products? I know that have the same CAS number…but are processed…and consist of slightly different aspects.


    BTW….for Extra credit….what do you feel absorbs quicker….and you like better? MCT or CCT?

    Unknown Member replied 2 years ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Graillotion

    March 17, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    For extra points…..any articles that give a description of how different products having the same cas #…would also be helpful. IE… something with different ratio of the same ingredients…having the same cas # but….in reality are somewhat different…due to ratios.

    I use a squalane solid wax….that has the same cas # as liquid squalane. Just need a good explanation of how this works.


    • Unknown Member

      Professional Chemist / Formulator
      March 18, 2023 at 11:53 am

      PS - Coursera has great chemistry classes you can take for free, for people like you who are wanting to get into formulating, but lack basic chemistry knowledge.

      I can tell from a few of your questions you asked you lack basic foundational concepts in beginning chemistry.

      Coursera has great courses for beginners in science and lots of classes are often free!

      I have had many students state the classes were super helpful.

      A basic chemistry class will increase your knowledge so you can understand, for example, that INCI cosmetic MCT oil is the exact same as CCT oil, since you asked the difference between the two. (in INCI there is none)

      I thought to mention Coursera to you as a means for you to gain a basic chemistry background to help you better understand the chemistry of cosmetic formulating. Aloha ????

  • Unknown Member

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    March 18, 2023 at 1:22 am

    Hello, hope this may be some helpful info for you:


    These are actually only one product, and not three products as you have summarized.

    Please know CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDES VS MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLY”- - - these are the same.

    Caprylic and capric triglycerides *are medium chain triglycerides. (just not all of them)

    So it is not caprylic and capric triglycerides “vs” medium chain triglycerides.

    Because caprylic and capric triglycerides are medium chain triglycerides.

    And caprylic and capric triglycerides are from fractionated coconut oil. [Reference: INCI]

    Because to get only those two specific fatty acids – coconut oil has to have been fractionated in order to separate them out.

    So it is also fractionated coconut oil.

    Also, an answer to your second question – MCT *is* CCT per INSI. They are the *same.


    Moving on …

    Medium chain triglycerides consist of the following various carbon chain lengths of fatty acids:

    • C6: caproic acid or hexanoic acid
    • C8: caprylic acid or octanoic acid
    • C10: capric acid or decanoic acid
    • C12: lauric acid or dodecanoic acid

    These are the “medium” chains.

    To be specific - “MCT” oil on the food market may contain any composition of any these medium chain fatty acids. [not only caprylic and capric acids as INCI states.]

    This is because INCI specification is only for cosmetic products – and the oil termed MCT is mainly marketed for food.

    So, despite INCI defining MCT oil as “caprylic/capric triglycerides” - in reality many food market MCT oils have also included either C:6 or C:12 or both - along with caprylic C:8 and capric C:10 triglycerides, as well. So all four medium chain fatty acids.

    For food marketing purposes, however, MCT oil is most commonly termed just that - and not fractionated coconut oil. [even though it is]

    Fractionated coconut oil - on the other hand - as per INCI - also contains (only) caprylic and capric fatty acids - ***hence, the same INCI as MCT oil.**

    This is also the exact same as the “CCT vs MCT” question you asked.

    These are not different oils – under INCI these are ALL the exact same. As is fractionated coconut oil. As is caprylic/ capric triglyceride. As is MCT. As is CCT. ALL the SAME.

    Frequently you will hear many (many) people claiming these various oil names are miscategorised, or are incorrectly referenced or that people are “wrongly” interchanging the names.

    This actually is not true.

    The people stating these claims are actually the ones who are wrong.

    In INCI - these oils are one and the same because they are the same caprylic and capric triglycerides. Period.

    INCI is not considering MCT to be a food item (as consumers currently do) because INSI only refers to substances used in cosmetics.

    So on the food market – an MCT oil can have any combination the manufacturer desires of any of the medium chain triglycerides. It is not under INCI - it can create its coconut oil however it wants.

    But for INCI/CAS - MCT, CCT and caprylic/capric triglycerides and fractionated coconut oil are one and are ALL the same description.

    They are all coconut oil.

    They are all fractionated.

    They all select caprylic and capric triglycerides. (MCT food market oil … maybe more)

    The MCT designation is merely a marketing standpoint from the food and beverage industry.

    MCT oil is the term most often referred to in marketing for food consumption and keto/weight loss diets,


    fractionated coconut oil is the term most often referred to for skincare and cosmetic formulation.

    The fact is they are both fractionated oils from coconut oil. It’s that simple. ????

    Hope this helps!

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