Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Esential Oil Carier help

  • Esential Oil Carier help

    Posted by LaurenB on May 27, 2016 at 2:43 am

    Can anyone point me towards info or publications or websites if any, on combining EO with silicones (volatile)? 
    For the life of me I cant find this information other than relating to packaging.  I’ve tried to be fairly specific in my searching but still just blanks.
    I’m wanting to research info on mixing different EO with various carriers in an anhydrous mixture, I cant find any info on efficacy of EOs in a mixture like this versus water based mixes.

    Sorry if this is another silly question… it’s been a long frustrating week.  I’ve contacted so called EO ‘experts’ and they have been little help other than offering me a discount on something I could buy.

    Any pointer would be appreciated


    LaurenB replied 8 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • LaurenB

    May 27, 2016 at 7:50 am

    OK… well a very cold glass of SSB has helped me sort my own blonde questions, should have thought of that FIRST!

    Can anyone help with a strong but flexible film former or plasticiser?  Silicone/ester or ethanol soluble.  I’m looking for something that does not dry.  I dont have a lot of experience with these materials.

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