Determining how much %w/w of 96,25% ethanol is needed for an 80% v/v solution
I am trying to figure out how much %w/w of 96,25 ethanol is needed for a sanitizing gel of 80% v/v pure ethanol content.
My supplier has told me that the specific gravity of the 96,25% ethanol I purchased is 0,8053.
Hence, I calculate that 80% v/v of pure ethanol corresponds to 83,12% v/v of 96,25% ethanol.
My sanitizer % v/v is:
water 14,81 % v/v
ethanol (96,25%) 83,12% v/v
glycerin 1,45% v/v
carbomer 0,5% w/w
hydrogen peroxide 0,125% v/vMy question is how do I convert % v/v to % w/w?
And then how can I confirm that my calculations are correct?
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