Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating creating boosters for finished formulas

  • Pharma

    January 2, 2021 at 3:48 pm
    Your boosters are pure marketing, they will not do anything useful. Sorry for popping your dream bubble ;( .
    Bottom line is: Create a booster your customers like (because TV hypnosis etc. :blush: ) and which is easily added to whatever shelf-picked product you desire.
  • Pattsi

    January 3, 2021 at 8:42 am

    Pharma said:

    Your boosters are pure marketing, they will not do anything useful. Sorry for popping your dream bubble ;( .
    Bottom line is: Create a booster your customers like (because TV hypnosis etc. :blush: ) and which is easily added to whatever shelf-picked product you desire.


    For example - Keratin booster.
    hydrolyzed keratin   0.0001- 0.1
    preservative             0.5-1
    add water                 too 100

  • imported_stefarama

    April 1, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    I totally get the marketing angle, but actually, the goal is to broaden a base of products with minimal inventory.  For example, one 5 gallon batch of finished conditioner can have different enhancements for slightly different results. 
    I currently do this with fragrance only - the batch is unscented, and the scent is added at the time of purchase.  Others do this with facial serums: adding vitamin C or retinol, etc.
    I’m wondering if there’s a way to make the boosters (additions to finished product) do anything useful and not just be pure marketing (or my stinginess on shelf space). ;)

  • Pharma

    April 1, 2021 at 6:50 pm
    Combine the different scents with different colours too. Scientifically proven that the placebo effect will be fortified. No joking! There’s even cosmetic literature available regarding colours (for marketing, target user group, and perceived/believed effects).
    If you add oils, quaternary ammonium compounds, or volatile silicones will change the final product, wet and dry and ‘after-feel’; as a pure example, for dry hair, damaged hair, and frizz, respectively. Combine, say, an ester oil with traces of argan oil, a QAC with honeyquat, and a silicone with err… whatever sounds nicer and more natural than silicone LoL.
  • imported_stefarama

    April 1, 2021 at 9:10 pm

    Awesome! Thank you! :)

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