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  • Cosmetic Formulation Chemist Needed

    Posted by Anonymous on February 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Hi Perry,

    A couple of weeks ago I stumbled onto your website, found it very informative and requested to be a part…thanks Perry for welcoming me and for providing such a wonderful resource!

    Here’s my question;  My husband, Dennis and I are the owners of FillTech USA, an FDA/cGMP product development and manufacturing company located in North Carolina…about 45 minutes outside of Charlotte. FillTech USA specializes in turn-key, private label OTC’s and personal care products, and thankfully in this crazy economy, our company has been growning by leaps and bounds! We are currently in need of adding an additional Cosmetic/Formulation Chemist to our Team, but are having a difficult time finding applicants without going through head hunters.  Do you know of any resourses that Chemists look to when seeking new career opportunities? Also, does Chemists Corner accept job postings? I’m sure the perfect Chemist for our needs is out there…we’re just having a hard time finding them! 

    Again, thank you Perry for all you do to encourage and assist those in the industry…you’re a blessing!

    Kindest regards,

    Cookie Jones, President - FillTech USA - 757-620-6160

    http://www.FillTechUSA.com - Cookie@FillTechUSA.com

    DavidW replied 11 years ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • DavidW

    February 26, 2014 at 8:20 am

    Cookie, I think you are going to find on this site mostly consulting chemists who are will to work from their location.  However, you never know.  As a manufacturer myself I also find it difficult to find in-house chemists at a fair wage.  I find no problems with using consultants on a project basis as needed for those time when I myself have problems with development.  There are some consultants on here who will work with you at a fair and affordable price.  Best of luck.

  • Bobzchemist

    February 26, 2014 at 11:04 am

    @DavidW, It’s that whole “fair wage” issue that trips you and the other personal care manufacturers up all the time, well that, and the problems with relative cost of living. A mid-career cosmetic chemist will say to him/herself “I can make a six-figure salary if I live in the NY/NJ area and work for one of the major companies” and not pay attention to the fact that the cost of living differences means that they could actually live a more comfortable life making just a little more than half that salary if they lived somewhere else. 

    Also, to a certain extent, you get what you pay for…
  • Bobzchemist

    February 26, 2014 at 11:12 am

    @cookiejones, I’d recomend looking and posting your position on LinkedIn, particularly in the groups specifically for cosmetic chemists and formulators. Make sure to mention that you won’t use recruiters.

    Groups I’d suggest:
    All Natural Cosmetic Manufacturing
    Cosmetic Formulation Technology & Development Professionals
    Formulatory - A Forum for Formulation Professionals
    Society of Cosmetic Chemists
    Society of Cosmetic Scientists
    (Full disclosure: I manage the group “Cosmetic Formulation Technology & Development Professionals”)
  • DavidW

    February 26, 2014 at 1:55 pm

    @bobzchemist You are correct.  Many mid sized manufacturers such as us can’t afford to pay $80,000 a year for a chemist.  In the South where I am there are many chemists who will work a day or 2 for one company and then the other days at another. 

  • Microformulation

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    February 26, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    I would place an advertisement with the Carolinas Chapter SCC. I believe they have a newsletter coming out pretty soon. The Chapter is very active in your area.

  • Bobzchemist

    February 26, 2014 at 4:46 pm

    @DavidW You do know I’m in Atlanta, right?

    You’re correct, though - the going rate for experienced cosmetic chemists here seems to be about 70 - 80K in salary, plus benefits and bonus. My rates for consulting (if I had to give up my full-time job) would have to be considerably higher, to make up for the loss in benefits, the need for malpractice insurance, etc.
    My understanding is that the HI&I chemists up the street at ZEP are also making about 60 -80k. 
    But senior chemists/scientists at places like Estee Lauder, Revlon, Avon, etc. are making $120 - 130K or more, (and yet aren’t living as well as I am able to here in beautiful downtown Kennesaw, GA, where the weather’s usually better, too.)
  • Bobzchemist

    February 26, 2014 at 5:19 pm

    @cookiejones, a big issue I’m sure you’re facing is that most cosmetic chemists are clustered in one of three areas: NY/NJ, Chicago, and LA. One of the problems I’ve found in the hiring process is that many employers do not seem to appreciate the level of risk a cosmetic chemist takes on when they take a job outside of those areas. 

    Companies close, reduce staff, and/or offshore/outsource all the time, and doing a fantastic job is no guarantee that a chemists employment will continue. If a chemist gets caught in that while living/working in one of the areas with a high concentration of jobs/chemists, it may take only a few phone calls to find another job. 
    But if you’re in Charlotte, or Atlanta, or Miami and that happens, it can take many months to find another job. It’s a near certainty that you’re going to have to make an interstate move to get one, too, uprooting your family in the process. So, if an employer isn’t willing/able to compensate the chemist for taking on that risk, there will be few, if any, experienced chemists willing to make the initial move.

    Cookie, judging by your job description, you may want to look outside the traditional cosmetic industry for suitable candidates, 
  • DavidW

    February 28, 2014 at 10:16 pm

    @Bobzchemist I didn’t realize we were neighbors.  When you going to work on the cleaning project for me?

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