Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Cosmetic Industry Container Inventory?

  • Container Inventory?

    Posted by kavellahaircare on March 2, 2016 at 5:16 am

    Hi guys! I founded a handmade hair product company and have boxes and boxes of bottles and jars and closures. Sometimes I will be making a batch of products and reach for a closure and… I’m out! What ways have you/your company used in the past to keep track of this type of inventory?

    kavellahaircare replied 8 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • belassi

    March 2, 2016 at 5:35 am

    The panic system

  • kavellahaircare

    March 2, 2016 at 5:50 am

    haha! Pretty much. I guess just one more Excel spreadsheet to keep track of!

  • Bobzchemist

    March 2, 2016 at 2:43 pm

    In the past, I’ve used a version of the Japanese kanban system effectively. No spreadsheet needed. The point about halfway or 2/3 of the way through the stock of every component gets marked with a red card. Ideally, the card has all the ordering info needed. When you hit the red card, you re-order, then replace it when the new stock comes in. 

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