Cocamide MIPA
So it’s time to say goodbye to good ol’ banned DEA and find a good replacement for shampoo and hand soap formulas. I’ve been doing research and asking suppliers, and the most obvious and simple replacement is MEA. But what im hearing is that most customers are going back to DEA mostly to avoid heating. I’m not that cheap
and I like to improve my formulas if I can, so even if it hasn’t been banned here yet I want to find a permanent replacement long before this happens.
Reading around I saw a manufacturers paper recommending MIPA, and according to them it had the same performance regarding viscosity, foaming, emulsifying, etc. The downsides, is more expensive and needs more heat. About 50°C.
Because of this it’s been hard to get a sample, most providers are not selling it, and i would have to buy a couple of bags to justify importing it just to make a tiny lab test.
So is any of you currently using it or have you done any trials?. Do you guys consider it a good replacement or do you consider there are others that would perform better?. I’d like to know how it behaves, if it’s hard to incorporate, if it’s cost/effective, foaming and cleaning capacity, any input your personal experience could provide is much appreciated.
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