Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Clouding and viscosity issues encountered with different manufacturers using my CDE

  • Clouding and viscosity issues encountered with different manufacturers using my CDE

    Posted by sendtoryan on February 15, 2019 at 8:39 am

    Dear All,

    Hoping to get some opinions on the results gotten from various test results from various manufacturers. Detailed formulation compositions were not provided by the customers as all test done were just a direct substitution of  different CDE used i.e Ours vs Brand X. Our CDE usually have a free amine content of about 5 - 6%. I understand many users here do not like using CDE here due to the Carcinogenic warnings but i would like to stay with CDE now to determine what went wrong in the cases below. 

    Case Condition 1 - Company 1

    Substitution of CDE sample in Detergent sample.


    Stabilization Test


    Background – Submitted
    a sample of my CDE as a substitution against a competitor’s CDE in the
    manufacturing of detergent.  The same
    formulation ratios were maintained with the difference only being 2 different brands
    of CDE used for comparison. The active CDE ratio used in the detergent is 8%. The
    test is left under the conditions for 4 weeks. My sample failed the – 5 degC


    Test of 4 weeks

    Appearance: Clear

    Colour: Pale

    PH : 7.5

    Viscosity: 1778

    Concentration: 14.8


    After Test of 4 weeks


    Test 1 Results - Under
    Room Temperature.

    Appearance: Clear

    Colour: Pale

    PH : 7.5

    Viscosity: 1882

    Concentration: 14.4

    Results : Pass


    Test 2 Results - Under
    -5 degree.

    Appearance: Cloudy

    Colour: Cloudy

    PH : Not measured

    Viscosity: Not

    Concentration: Not

    Result: “FAIL”. It becomes cloudy in 2 days under -5
    degree condition


    Test 3 Results - Under
    50 degree

    Appearance: Clear

    Colour: Pale

    PH : 8.0

    Viscosity: 1362

    Concentration: 14.5

    Result: Pass


    Test 4 Results - Under

    Appearance: Clear

    Colour: Pale

    PH : 7.3

    Viscosity: 1900

    Concentration: 14.7

    Result: Pass




    What is causing the
    cloudiness at -5 degrees in this case? Why is one sample at good with a 8% CDE composition while ours is not good. Is it because their CDE has a much higher free amine than ours? How can i rectify this? 




    Case Condition 2 - Company 2


    Stabilization Test


    Background – Customer
    produced their detergent using 3 samples of our CDE and 1 sample of their usual
    supplier CDE.


    All 3 samples of the
    detergent using our samples of CDE got cloudy after heating at 50 degrees. Clouding
    observed to start from 35 degc onwards. The picture bellows shows the condition
    at 50 degrees.


    After 24 hours, the
    CDE is found floating at the top of the liquid on all 3 samples. However, after
    shaking the mixture, the solution becomes clear again. So we failed on the
    cloudiness and the difference in viscosity within the detergent sample. The sample containing the competitors CDE remains clear after heating at 50 degrees.


    Question: What is the
    cause of the cloudiness and the separation given all other conditions remains the


    Case Condition 3 - Company C


    Result   : NG

    Reason: All conditions being the same. The viscosity of the end product
    using my CDE is lower than our Competitors (Kawaken’s). The detergent sample
    viscosity test results using our CDE was 1100 cps at 25 degree and 140 cps at
    60 degree, our Competitors viscosity is measured at 160 – 220 cps at 50 degree.


    They therefore had to more of our CDE into the formulation thus making it not
    cost effective for them.


    Question: What affects the viscosity of CDE that enables it to make such a
    biff difference between our sample vs their sample??

    sendtoryan replied 6 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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