Chinese seller fooling me?
Another mystery for me - I would like to buy shampoo in bulk form China. The seller offers me 4 types of shampoo, for 4 types of hair. Actually all the ingredients lists (including percentages) are the same. Then the seller refers, that it’s their right not to publish all the ingredients in their shampoo. Sounds like a total apple sauce?
How it’s possible? Would you believe her?
[11:32:56] Merit: okey
[11:33:45] Merit: in the e-mail you sent me, there was 4 types of shampoo - i understand all the ingredients in every shampoo are the same, they are all the same actually
[11:34:22] hairodm: no
[11:34:25] hairodm: they are not same
[11:34:31] hairodm: percentage different
[11:34:37] hairodm: they have different formula
[11:34:41] hairodm: you can get all samples totry
[11:34:51] hairodm: it suitable for different hair
[11:34:54] hairodm: you can compare
[11:39:18] Merit: okey, i don’t understand - the shampoo for colour protect, hydra volume and repair lasting have all identic ingredients list, as well as percentages - for example they all have argania oil for 0,5%, macadamia for 0,4%, dimethicone for 0,4%, poly-10 for 0,3% etc
[11:40:34] Merit: different is only shampoo for anti-dandruff - it has zinc pyrithione and peppermint oil in it
[11:42:12] hairodm: others also have different, but some material are refer to our business secret, this is allowed not show all ingredients on ingredients list
[11:42:21] hairodm: this is allowed by EU regulation
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