Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Hair centrimonium chloride

  • centrimonium chloride

    Posted by Nyatou on January 12, 2023 at 10:43 pm

    Hi everybody, 

    Is it safe to use Centrimonium in deep conditioners? The product is left on the hair for 20, 40 mins or even hours with a heat cap.

    Cst4Ms4Tmps4 replied 2 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    January 16, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    People do not do their homework anymore, before asking. It appears @Perry already answered here : 


    My version is : I do not know what ‘deep conditioner’ is. I am a lazy fcuk. I am a rebel.

    Conditioner normally works instantly. There is no need to leave on hair for that much time. Adding time or heat will not make conditioning effect greater than that particular chemical can do. (Of course depends on who is answering)

    Likewise, there are many people believe that leaving Cationic sanitiser on their hands the longer the better the antibacterial effect is. Some of them LITERALLY leave it on toilet for 10 minutes or more before they use the toilet. One of them is the most extreme who I know, that is my friend, she leaves it for 30 minutes, this means she has to plan and predict her toilet business. What an extremely stressful lifestyle that is. As if time is not enough, she adds heat, hot water, Chlorine bleach, Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Chloroxylenol, Chlorine Dioxide. If you think I jest it can only mean you never come across an extremist like that. Not OCD. OCD is an abused and misused word. Irrational bollocks is the right terminology.

    Another real-life example is I do not use heat nor fancy gadget to do rebonding or to straighten my hair. (Do not judge my profile image. It is an old one. My hair now look a bit like that of Julian Cullen’s in The Bureau Of Magical Things. LOL!)
    Imagine how much time and money I need to spend doing simple and easy stuff, even if it is DIY. This is the reason why knowledge is indeed power. 

    Back to deep conditioner, VO5 seriously has no oil as Perry mentioned. LMAO! It is just another conditioner, only with very high price.

    Psychology 101 - some people feel hero by complicating things. Some people feel complicated (expensive) things must be quality. If there is demand, there will be supply. There is always something for all types of idiots.

    All right. You probably argue that the chemicals (ingredients) penetrate hair “better” with heat and possibly time. Or “other people” say. You and other people are right! However, my answer is yes and no. You need to know your chemicals well enough, and how hair work. No different to some people preach and propagate bad science about certain chemicals can penetrate skin creating cancer when they do not even penetrate more than the outermost layer of skin. Another irrational bollocks. The same people spreading nonsense still (secretly) use what they say is evil. 

  • OldPerry

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    January 16, 2023 at 1:40 pm

    There is a safety limit to cetrimonium chloride for leave-in products of 0.25%. Twenty minutes of exposure seems like it would qualify as leave-on so don’t exceed that level.

  • Nyatou

    DIY formulator
    January 17, 2023 at 11:10 pm

    @Perry Thank you. ????

    @Cst4Ms4Tmps4 you look like Julian Cullen and I look like a Jackson 5. The shrinkage is real!! Let’s swap hair textures lol! 
  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    January 18, 2023 at 11:29 am


    Whoa, shrinkage? Is it double entendre? Hahahaha! I am informally known as an infamous shrink.

    I ASSume your hair is Afro kind.

    In all seriousness, I do not understand my own hair too well. I do not know you want my hair texture. And texture of other people’s hair may not be good for me. Be careful what you wish for, as they say.

    I used to admire Afro hair because I had never once heard anyone of them needing to straighten hair and all sorts of styling. Zero maintenance. I was very young and unexposed, to state the obvious. I did not know people with Afro hair have their own set of challenges. The worst I learnt about them is many of them actually use oil to remove frizz. OMG! I am not a clean human but I have my own “OCD” when it comes to oil on things and oil transferring from one place to another. I was not joking nor sarcastic when I said I am a lazy feck. I do not want to wash and clean oil residue daily. OCD and laziness are never friends.

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