Can’t get solution into proper ph range for thickening with Carbomer.
I am working on a trying to keep a serum as light as possible. Maybe my process is just wrong and someone can spot my rookie problem. I am combining everything on medium heat. I can get a good looking solution, but once everything is combined, I am unable to get the ph back up into a workable range for Carbomer hydration.
I found Carbomer 940 at about 0.175-0.2% with water and witch hazel gives me the feel I am targeting. I can repeat this without issue, using a few drops of TEA to bring the mix up to 6-7ph before adding Carbomer. Works every time with a resulting ph in the 4-5 range hydrated.
When I attempt to add other ingredients like glycolic acid, a touch of pearl, and a drop of lavender to cut the smell…the formula seems to lock in at 4.5ish ph, and no amount of TEA gets it up into the activation range for Carbomer.
My current process is:
75% distilled water heated to about 35c < 20% witch hazel < 4% glycolic acid < 0.08 % pearl powder < 0.25ml lavender oil into a solution.
TEA has no effect on getting the ph in the 6-7 range to attempt carbomer gelling. Thoughts?
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