Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Cosmetic Industry Career Are You Marketing Yourself to Potential Employers? Why You Should & How to Easily Do So

  • Are You Marketing Yourself to Potential Employers? Why You Should & How to Easily Do So

    Posted by Anonymous on April 8, 2015 at 11:31 pm

    As a search consultant with 20+ years of experience I have noticed two types of business professionals in our industry: those who actively promote themselves and their skills and those that don’t.  This may in part be due to personality (outgoing vs. reserved) or time commitments (a busy work schedule or balancing outside responsibilities).

    Whatever the reason, it’s clear that networking and careful self promotion are a much better means to career growth than the absence of either.  There are many networking options and job boards available from which to chose with getting your profile in front of perspective employers.  And in-person opportunities like SCC and industry meetings can’t be beat.

    One that many forget or sometimes avoid are third-party recruiters.  But I have found it’s wise to be proactive and to stay in touch with industry specialists in the recruiting world.  Knowing who specializes in your DIG (discipline, industry and geography) is critical when considering who to reach out to represent you.  Not every recruiter or agency is right for you and your background and skills are not right for every recruiter’s clients’ hiring needs. 

    Take time to research, contact, get to know and stay in touch with search consultants that are as specialized as you are in your niche.  These are the professionals that can be your eyes and ears and keep you in mind as they talk to their clients.  Start with this technique early on in your career and you may be surprised with the carefully selected opportunities for which you are qualified and approached.

    What other ways have you found to easily and continually market yourself to potential employers?

    Michael Rowe
    Search Consultant
    Momentum Search Consultants

    OldPerry replied 9 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • OldPerry

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    April 8, 2015 at 11:38 pm

    With the way companies consolidate & close in this industry, it is always a good idea to keep an up-to-date resume and interview for positions that seem interesting even if you are not looking to move.

    LinkedIn is also a great place to have a presence.  If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, I’d recommend putting one together.

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