I’ve come accross a doubt regarding allergen substances in the EU market. I’m familiar with the IFRA amendment and declaration of allergen substances when they come in a parfum mixture. But, for the first time I’ve seen an allergen intentionally added as a pure substance in a cosmetic formula, as an ingredient itself: limonene (at 5% as a solvent in a soap). And i was wondering whether this would be compliant with the EU legislation…? Can this substances be added onto the formula intentionally? I don’t really understand that if the Annex III is for substances that cannot be included in a cosmetic except for the defined exception and this particular case doesn’t relate to that defined exception, could it be added?
I really can’t seem to find a clear answer. Or maybe it’s fully dependant on the MoS calculation of the Safety Assessment…? I’ve done my calculation and from the available data (if I’m not mistaken) i got a MoS>100.
Some help would be appreciated.
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