Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating 4 ingredient conditioner bad

  • Aniela

    March 16, 2025 at 4:52 am

    Apart from your title “4 ingredient conditioner bad” not reflecting the reality, there are a few more things to be said:

    This is a group where professionals offer their time and advice for FREE- personally, I’m very grateful for having access to their expertise.

    You didn’t experiment with your four ingredients, you just treated this Forum like a “mommy’s blog”, and launched a “click-bait”- not fair for anyone here, as we don’t do that.

    You can ask specific questions, but for now you’re basically asking for a free formula- again, that’s ok in other groups, not here.

    I hope this helps, as this is a very good place to gain knowledge and become a better formulator.

    Have fun experimenting🙂

  • Abdullah

    March 16, 2025 at 7:14 am

    Yes it would work.

    Start from 1% each and change according to your desire.

    • MaidenOrangeBlossom

      March 16, 2025 at 10:08 am

      Thank you! I’m working on removing actives and all water soluble ingredients from wash off products. They feel so nice but if they don’t work I want the customer to get what they pay for. I made a simple conditioner bar with marshmallow powder, in the shower it had slip and hydrating properties. My biggest challenge now is to hide the fish smell from an unscented product.

      • Abdullah

        March 16, 2025 at 11:26 pm

        Then add some FO

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