Why Cetaphils cleanser has higher viscosity than mine?
This is ingredients list of an old Cetaphil cleanser
Water, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol,butyl, propyl,methyl parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, stearyl alcohol.
It has ≤1% SLS.
This is my formula
Cetearyl alcohol 5%
SLS 1%
Citric acid 0.8%
CMI MI 0.02%
Formalin 0.02%
Fragrance 0.01%
pH 6
.Add SLS to 45% hot water
.add citric acid to reduce pH to 6
. Add melted cetearyl alcohol
. Homogenize for 5 minutes
. Add 50% cold water while mixing to reduce temperature below 40c.
.add preservatives and fragrance.
My product is more white than Cetaphil product and i think i use more cetearyl alcohol and SLS than them but their product has higher viscosity than mine. Why their product has higher viscosity than mine?
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