Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating General hydrolysed rice protein as a voluminizing ingredient…

  • hydrolysed rice protein as a voluminizing ingredient…

    Posted by Unknown Member on September 10, 2024 at 10:19 am

    rice proteins contain +vely charged amino acids as well as -vely charged ones.

    +ve AAs will attract and deposit on damaged -vely charged hair pits.

    QUES 1 :- (JUST using cationic ingredients like quats and wheat proteins won’t contribute to volume…right? OR what if I put A LOT cationic ingredients…will they first deposit on damaged areas(conditioning) and then if no more -ve sites left sit on top of hair repelling each other(voluminize too)?)

    while -ve AAs will sit on top and repel each other to create more volume.

    QUES 2 :- (What if I put oil serum after rice protein spray on hair? will the -ve AAs be affected somehow from oils or silicones)

    Unknown Member replied 3 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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