Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating General formaldehyde releasers….. dead on the vine for USA national brands?

  • formaldehyde releasers….. dead on the vine for USA national brands?

    Posted by Graillotion on August 26, 2024 at 7:42 pm

    I enjoyed the first tropical storm of the season this weekend and celebrated by losing power for 24 hours. So, I pulled out the paper issues of CT (Cosmetics & Toiletries) and read about 6 issues.

    If I understood them correctly, there are now two states Washington and Oregan that appeared to have banned formaldehyde and agents that release formaldehyde in cosmetics. If this is accurate, then this would essentially ban the use of formaldehyde & releasers amongst national brands? (Under the assumption they would not make a different product for 48 states, and one for two states?)

    Did I understand the article correctly? Have two states created a scenario where formaldehyde/releasers will become obsolete?

    Graillotion replied 7 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • PhilGeis

    August 27, 2024 at 7:03 am

    Sure looks that way and no, major brands will not attempt to break our those 2 states.

    FA releasers have lost market share for some time so prob. not a major impact.

  • Perry44

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    August 27, 2024 at 8:56 am

    I suspect there will be some lawsuits that reverse these decisions since the FDA is responsible, but if you’re a big company selling international formulas, you were probably avoiding formaldehyde donors already.

    No, I doubt anyone would create a special formula just for Oregon and Washington. The chances of product being diverted to those states would be too great and there just isn’t a huge benefit. Replacing formaldehyde donors is not (yet) that big of a problem.

  • PhilGeis

    August 27, 2024 at 10:43 am

    Unfortunately MoCRA did not include the state preemption that brought support of the major companies and PCPC in the Feinstein-Collins senate bill.

    Beware politicians, their posturing ignorance knows no bounds.

    • Graillotion

      August 27, 2024 at 4:12 pm

      Hahaha…. I was just telling Pharma yesterday….I save my ‘exercises in futility’ for voting. He has an unhealthy infatuation with US politics. 😂

      So hypothetical question @PhilGeis , sometimes I help out on beginner forums….and it used to be my pairing of preservatives (not together…one or the other) when they would ask for a recommendation was…. PE 9010 or Liquid Germall Plus. For the beginner crew…that will probably be adverse to anything good… and only have access to beginner repacker ingredients…. What would be your replacement piece to recommend for a ‘One and Done’ drop in. (Of course I know that is the impossible answer….and hated to even present it that way…. but that is the very best you are going to hope for….other than getting them to add a chelate.)

      Aloha…. Passed the weekends tropical storm, and preparing for the hurricane later this week.

      • PhilGeis

        August 27, 2024 at 5:29 pm

        Germall + but still a FA releaser. 9010 not much for fungi and weak vs Gram +

        • Graillotion

          August 27, 2024 at 6:52 pm

          Yes, I am very aware LGP is an F releaser! I was asking for the replacement (non F-releasing)…since that was a FORMER recommendation.

          Also, very aware of the weaknesses of PE 9010…and how to bolster it. Problem is dealing with those that don’t. Those that want to learn…can be coached into the supporting cast. Those that think they have already gone the extra mile by simply including a preservative (And this segment is HUGE!) well, all you can do is cross your fingers. Better PE 9010…than having them chase the ‘G’ brand….and not use a pH where they even have any activity…(most of the time….cus the ‘tards’ advertise their organic acids work up to a pH of 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!) You told be the change in ownership…..would clean up their act…but have not seen a single movement in that regard. 🙁 (Marketing language that is consistent with their products performance.)

          So, I was asking… If I had formerly recommended Liquid Germall Plus…. what would be the next best replacement waiting in line….to take its place?

          • PhilGeis

            August 28, 2024 at 5:13 am

            Thanks, I see. Suppose parabens and IT’s are off the list too. oh well.

            For leave ons (with lament for FA’s, i knew them well)

            9010 with EDTA and benzyl, benzoate or DHA. Control pH. They can add sorbic with benzoic - some think it “synergistic” but I wonder at stability. If they need more efficacy, add glycols (cap or pent or both) at 1% or greater. Dave Steinberg insists antioxidant with benzyl but I don’t think that is a problem.

            For surfactants and hair conditioners (with a lament for CMIT, another friend)

            9010 with EDTA- and benzyl (for conditioner) and benzoate( for surfactant ) control the pH.

  • Graillotion

    August 28, 2024 at 3:40 pm

    Thank you for this little gem… I will tuck it away for future use.

    In Steinberg’s context… what antioxidant is he suggesting should be used? @PhilGeis

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by  Graillotion.

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