Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Homogenizer and stirrer, share your experience!

  • Homogenizer and stirrer, share your experience!

    Posted by nkpalaci on June 27, 2024 at 8:38 am

    Hello everyone!

    I would like to know please if you can share your experience with me about using a homogenizer and stirrer.

    Particularly an idea about the mixing time and speed to prepare, for example, a cream. It would also be helpful to know the common mistakes in your experience.

    I have the MiniPro homogenizer, and basic Vevor stirrer, they don’t have RPM information but perhaps your experiences bring me closer to an idea.

    I previously used the hand mixer as a beginner, and the texture of the creams now seems less thick. I understand that air loss may be a reason, but it would really help me to hear about your experience.

    Thank you!!

    Graillotion replied 4 days, 20 hours ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • aniela

    June 27, 2024 at 11:14 am

    Hi, you say you want to know “the mixing time and speed to prepare, for example, a cream”. I don’t own the mixing equipment you have, but: you would increase your chances to an answer if you would reffer to a specific formulation of the said cream and the quantity you’d want to make. Different emulsifiers require different times and speeds as do different quantities. Other ingredients present in your product can influence the answer too. Regarding the rpm of your equipment, the answer should be out there, in the World Wide Web😉

  • ggpetrov

    June 27, 2024 at 11:47 am

    For a home crafting they are perfectly fine! There is a lot of information about the mixing approach, even with those devices. Generally speaking, high shear mixing ( homogenizing) makes more stable and haptically pleasant emulsions, but decrease slightly the viscosity. In contrary, mixing with kitchen equipment creates less stable emulsions with higher viscosity. To obtain a nice and stable emulsion you should homogenize for a minute or two at the beginning, and then switch for a low shear mixing (constantly) untill emulsion cools down completely ( 30 - 35 degrees).

  • Graillotion

    June 27, 2024 at 7:40 pm

    It is not uncommon to have a different end result (haptically and viscosity speaking), when there is an equipment change. Sometimes to the extent that you slightly tweak the formula….to compensate.

    There are a lot of details missing from your scenario…. sometime when you add a machine that actually creates shear (Misceo/Dynamic with the right head) … you can damage some things like polymerics, or various other steric hinderance creations….that lesser stick blenders did not damage. In cases like this… one would simply add them after the emulsification process, and sometime temperature appropriate to the stirring phase.

    I typically shear for 2 minutes…. at a temp above 65 C….as this will not harm lamellar emulsions. The balance of the time is spent under the stirrer.

    Once I shear for two min….then I stir to cooldown. Commonly I shear again when the last few ingredients are added at cooldown, at the end for 30-45 seconds….to assure perfect incorporation. If I manage to not introduce any air….I pour…. if I ‘ooop’sed’ then I toss it back on the stirrer for a minute or two….and life is good again.

    • This reply was modified 4 days, 20 hours ago by  Graillotion.

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