Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Is This Correct?…. 50% Citric Acid Solution Formula

  • Is This Correct?…. 50% Citric Acid Solution Formula

    Posted by MDBeauty on May 16, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    Hey guys, just want to make sure I have this right. Trying to make my own citric acid solution.

    50g Citric Acid
    50g Distilled Water
    qs Distilled Water

    Dissolve 50g citric acid in 50g water. Once dissolved add additional water to 100ml.

    MDBeauty replied 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • ozgirl

    May 16, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    It depends on if you are making it 50% w/w or w/v?

    If it is w/w (weight per weight) then you need 50 g of citric acid and 50 g water (total 100g)

    If it is w/v (weight per volume) then you need 50 g of citric acid and make it up to 100 mL (in a volumetric flask).

    • MDBeauty

      May 16, 2024 at 5:45 pm

      Thank you

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