Magnesium Chloride - Potential reactions when exposed to Benzoic acid and/or heat
Hi everyone,
Thank you for allowing me to post a question, I appreciate people’s generosity in sharing their knowledge and experiences.I have been making a magnesium chloride spray (for myself and friends) and would like to make a cream as my research suggests that while MgCl2 is water soluble, it is better absorbed through the skin when combined with lipids.
I’m not new to making emulsified products and I’ve been using benzoic acid as my main preservative. (Depending on the product I usually combine with other supportive antimicrobial ingredients such as potassium sorbate, herbal ethanol extracts, glycerin, essential oils etc. These are not products that I sell, they are products that I make for myself and friends that have always worked very well for me)
I’d like to know if there are any potential chemical reactions that may occur between these two ingredients? (Magnesium chloride and Benzoic acid)?
My knowledge of chemistry is fairly basic but I do know that salts and acids will react, but it can be dependent on the strength of the acid and other factors such as heat etc…. To quote a reply I found on the internet
“It has not a simple answer!”
I have also tried to google specifically the reaction between benzoic acid and magnesium chloride but to no avail.I’m hoping that someone with a much deeper knowledge of chemistry will know the answer, or that someone has experience of their own that they are willing to share.
One more concern I had…… I believe Magnesium chloride has a reaction when exposed to heat. (Creating magnesium oxide and hydrogen chloride gas) When I make my cream I will need to heat the water phase (usually to 65c) I have also noticed that whilst blending in my benzoic acid to the water phase it actually creates a lot of heat and I wondered if this heat may interfere with the magnesium chloride/create a reaction, losing the benefits of the magnesium or even turning into something unpleasant to have in a topical product.
Thank you again and please be gentle with my ignorance of basic chemical reactions!
I really did try to research this on my own!Kind regards, R
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