help formula soap-based laundry detergent
Dear all
I am in the process of developing an economical soap-based laundry detergent for semi-automatic machines. The desired viscosity is 3000 to 6000 cP at 20 ° C.My formula contains 5% soap, sodium laureth sulfate (7%), cocamidopropyl betaine, ethoxylated alcohols 7moles (1%), an anti-doping agent, preservative, sodium chloride and perfume.I used two different operating modes:* 1st method: hot method: first, I heated the soap in a well-determined quantity of water then I added the other ingredients. To viscose my formula, I used 1% sodium chloride and 1.5% cocoamidopropyl betaine. The viscosity found is 5000 cP at 20 ° C.* 2nd method: cold method: I left the soap in the water for 24 hours to dissolve, then I added the other ingredients. The formula is liquid and I cannot viscose it even with the same percentages of the components.I did not understand the phenomenon which passed for the two methods.
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