How to fix pearlizer swirls?
I keep on getting swirls from pre-made pearlizer,
it’s whiter swirls in finished products, even though pearlizer doesn’t seem to separate or precipitate.I don’t know what the pearlizer contains.
The supplier doesn’t seem to know, they are waiting for the manufacturer to reply
It’s a whitish cream or light paste.I also tried pre-mixing said pearlizer with Cetiol HE (PEG-7 Glyceryl cocoate), but as soon as I add water, swirls appear.
I even tried filtering the finished bodywash
first with a coffee filter
drip was slow, drop by drop
and most pearl effect was gone, it just looked cloudy/opaque with just a slight pearly effect remaining
but on stirring, pearl swirls appear again.Tried heating it when mixing too, to no avail.
I tried purchasing pearlizer from another local supplier, but they might be the same product, from the same manufacturer, just different retail packaging.
Why is that happening
Would an emulsifier or solubilizer help?
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