Oleic acid versus triglycerides
This is a note for those interested in the differences in these components.
I normally use 32% of high-oleic safflower oil when making CP soap. It is higher in oleic acid than olive oil; it’s almost entirely oleic acid in fact. And it gives great results.This time I decided to use oleic acid instead. Now, the oleic acid in the safflower oil is in the form of triglycerides, I know. However I did not anticipate just how different this is.When I added the lye to the oil mix, the whole lot immediately turned into taffy. I broke an electric stirrer trying to mix it, but then it got so hot in a matter of minutes that I was able to stir it by hand with a large stainless spoon. The batch went into gel within minutes and set quickly.I do not recommend using pure acids in soap production.
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