Inexpensive Overhead Stirrer, Homogenizer Recommendations
Can anyone recommend a basic, inexpensive (<$500 USD) overhead stirrer and homogenizer for hobbiest use? I have a stick blender, which is great when I need high shear for emulsions, but it’s not so good when I need to apply constant mixing for 30-60 minutes, nor when I need to mix surfactants and bubbly things slowly.
I know I should be looking for torque ratings, but most of the equipment listed on eBay doesn’t include it. This one looks pretty good for the money:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Electric-overhead-stirrer-mixer-variable-speed-100W-New-/261666124906?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cec84346aBut it’s no-name, so I have no idea if the thing is going to blow up in a week. Much of the name brand stuff seems awfully expensive for such low wattage motors. Suggestions are appreciated, thanks!
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